Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Kautz Family

This is my bloggy buddy Lin and her awesome family! They drove down from the burbs of Chicago to have me take these family photos for them! I am telling you that they are a riot to be around!! I had the best time and before you knew it we had over 90 photos and two hours were gone! Yup, we just walked, talked and posed!

This is lovely, Em and she was rockin' that teenage tude to perfection! How adorable is she?

This dude is Col and he was harder to make smile!! His mom told me to watch for the frown because the smile would follow and she was right!!


  1. Taking photos with you, Jo, is an absolute piece of cake!! It's easy to laugh and feel at ease, which in turn, made for better shots. Even the difficult teens had a blast today too! Hooray!

    Thanks for a great morning and a boat load of adorable photos. I cannot wait to see the rest!!!! You rock, pally. :)


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